Peter Brown - the traditional old mole catcher

Don't let your beautiful lawn be ruined by moles - call Peter Brown for fast and efficient mole catching and control across Yorkshire and Lancashire.

With our recent wet and mild winters, the mole population in the UK has started to grow. This has increased the need for professional mole catching to protect lawns and agricultural area from the devastating damage caused by the moles.

How do moles affect my land?

Whilst mole hills can harm the look of your grassland area, the biggest problem caused by moles is by their underground tunnels. Used for travelling and feeding, the tunnels can quickly spread across large areas of land if they are left untreated. This can lead to poor quality silage, damage to your machinery and cause harm to plant life.

What should I do if I have a problem with moles?

To keep your lovely lawns and grassland in it's best condition, you should seek professional help as soon as you suspect a mole infestation. As a professional mole trapper with more than 40 years of experience, I can help you preserve your property with the swift and humane removal of all moles on your land.

As an expert in mole catching, I can give you a free quotation over the telephone just by asking you a few questions. From there, I can visit your location 7 days a week to remove the moles from your property. I'm always happy to offer honest and helpful advice on preventative measures to keep your property safe in the future.

Fast and effective mole control:

  • I have over 40 years' experience in mole trapping
  • Only legal and humane methods used to control the moles
  • I'm available 7 days a week across Yorkshire and Lancashire
  • Honest, down to earth help and advice always offered
Mole Control

Think you've got a problem with moles? For a free quotation, call Peter Brown today on 

07973 718 506

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